Saturday, August 22, 2020

Translating Feel to Spanish

Making an interpretation of Feel to Spanish The English action word to feel is one of those action words that can be precarious to mean Spanish. More so than with most words, you have to consider what the word implies when attempting to concoct a Spanish proportional. On the off chance that youre genuinely new to Spanish and attempting to consider how to state a sentence utilizing feel in Spanish, you ought to most likely observe first on the off chance that you can think about an alternate, and less difficult if conceivable, method of saying what you need to state. For instance, a sentence, for example, I feel pitiful methods essentially a similar thing as I am dismal, which can be communicated as Estoy triste. All things considered, utilizing sentirse to decipher feel would likewise work: Me siento triste. Truth be told, sentir or sentirse much of the time is a decent interpretation, as it typically intends to feel a feeling. (Sentir originates from a similar Latin word as the English word assessment.) But sentir doesnt work with numerous employments of feel, as in these sentences: That feels smooth. I want to go to the store. I feel that its risky. It feels cold. In those cases, you have to think about an alternate action word to utilize. Here are a portion of the manners in which you can decipher feel:â Feeling an Emotion As expressed above, sentir or sentirse can frequently be utilized when alluding to feelings: Me siento muy feliz. (I feel very happy.)Me siento fuerte psicolã ³gicamente. (I feel mentally strong.)Se siente en conflicto cuando necesita escoger entre uno u otro. (He feels clashed when he needs to pick one or the other.)No sentimos nothing. (We dont feel anything.) Nonetheless, Spanish has numerous articulations utilizing different action words to communicate feelings. Here are a couple: Estoy muy feliz. (I am exceptionally cheerful. I feel very happy.)ã‰l tenã ­a miedo. (He was apprehensive. He felt afraid.)Tengo celos a mi hermana. (Im desirous of my sister. I feel desirous of my sister.)De repente se enojã ³. (Out of nowhere he blew up. Out of nowhere he felt furious.) Sentirse is much of the time utilized with como to communicate the idea of feeling like a ...: Se sintiã ³ como una extraã ±a en su propia casa. (She felt like an outsider in her own home.)Me siento como una estrella del rock. (I feel like a demigod.) Feeling Sensations Spanish for the most part doesnt use sentir to communicate what is felt with the faculties. Sensations are regularly communicated by figures of speech utilizing tener. On the off chance that depicting what something feels like, you can regularly utilize parecer (see next segment): Tienen hambre. (Theyre hungry. They feel hungry.)Tengo frã ­o. (Im cold. I feel cold. It feels cold here.)Tenà ­an sed. (They were parched. They felt parched.) Which means ‘To Seem’ When to appear can be fill in for to feel, you can frequently interpret utilizing the action word parecer: Parece lisa al tacto. (It feels smooth to the touch. It appears to be smooth to the touch.)Parece que va a llover. (It has an inclination that it will rain. It appears that it is going to rain.)La herramienta me parece à ºtil. (The device feels valuable. The instrument appears to be helpful to me.) Which means ‘To Touch’ Tocar and palpar are frequently used to allude to contacting something. Despite the fact that palpar originates from a similar source as palpate, it is utilized significantly more frequently than the English word and can likewise be utilized in casual settings. El mã ©dico me palpã ³ el midsection. (The specialist felt my abdomen.)Todos tocaron la piel de zorro para que les diera buena suerte. (Everybody felt the fox skin so it would give them good karma.) ‘To Feel Like’ Meaning ‘To Want To’ An expression, for example, to want to accomplish something can be interpreted utilizing querer or different action words used to communicate want: Quisiera comer una hamburguesa. (I want to eat a burger. I might want to eat a hamburger.)Prefiero salir yo con mis amigos. (I want to leave with my companions. I like to leave with my friends.)Katrina no tenã ­a ganas de estudiar. (Katrina didnt want to consider. Katrina didnt want to consider.) For Giving Opinions Feel is frequently used to communicate assessments or convictions. In such cases, you can utilize opinar, creer or comparable action words: Pienso que no me gusta. (I have a feeling that it. I think I dont like it.)Creo que Argentina es el mejor equipo del mundo. (I feel that Argentina is the best group on the planet. I accept that Argentina is the best group in the world.) ¿Por quã © supones que tienes una infecciã ³n? (For what reason do you believe you have a contamination? For what reason do you guess you have a contamination?) Key Takeaways Despite the fact that sentir and sentirse are the most widely recognized action words meaning feel, much of the time they would be incorrect.Other action words that are every now and again utilized for to feel incorporate tocar, querer, and creer.A great approach to make an interpretation of feel is to rather decipher an equivalent word for feel as it utilized in the unique situation.

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