Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Intercollegiate Athletics - 3026 Words

Research Paper Intercollegiate athletics is an excellent public relations and fund raising arm for colleges, while providing education and training to future professional athletes. Academic programs have always criticized college athletic programs. There are five main reasons or accusations as many will call it. First it is said that all major and some smaller colleges routinely lower the admission standards for athletes because of the exposure that they bring to the university. The Ivy League, for example, have on average some of the lowest SAT scores than what are recorded at many other prestigious schools. Many schools will admit that they do allow and recruit athletes with scores of 820 points, which is almost 200 points†¦show more content†¦It would be my wish that a highly touted athlete would grace me with one to two years of their presence and greatness that I would not have had if they were to become a professional instead. Sometimes athletes cannot afford an education if it were not for their gift of athleticism. Are we to turn away someone who is trying to become something better because they may only have the skill to do it in a sport? Th e money that is produced by the higher end, more popular sports should be put back into those students and those programs to ensure the schools financial success and possibly keep the high profile athletes in school longer. This could also stop the scandals of athletes accepting money from boosters, agents, and some corrupt schools to get them to attend their college. So why is it that we expect these kids to turn away the millions of dollars staring them in the face, or the money offered by boosters and agents when they barely get enough money from the scholarships they receive to live off of while they are attending school and essentially going to work not only for themselves but their school and every student that attends? Let’s look at it this way, what do you think the graduation rates would be if college athletes were compensated and did not think like Jason Williams? I just don t like going to school. That s Jason Williams s explanation for why he left the third colle ge in asShow MoreRelatedThe Current Position Of Intercollegiate Athletics1653 Words   |  7 PagesExecutive Summary The current position of intercollegiate athletics in the United States is a peculiar one when compared to most any other country in the world. In no other nation will one find varsity intercollegiate athletics programs that pay their athletes to attend the school. 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